Published/Posted: June 15, 2020

Authors: Memarzadeh, S.; Kim, J.; Aytac, Y.; Murphy, T. E.; Munday, J. N.

DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.385959

arXiv: 1911.09235

Abstract: Surface plasmon mediated hot-carrier generation is utilized widely for the manipulation of electron–photon interactions in many types of optoelectronic devices including solar cells, photodiodes, and optical modulators. A diversity of plasmonic systems such as nanoparticles, resonators, and waveguides has been introduced to enhance hot-carrier generation; however, the impact of propagating surface plasmons on hot-carrier lifetime has not been clearly demonstrated. Here, we systematically study the hot-carrier relaxation in thin film gold (Au) samples under surface plasmon coupling with the Kretschmann configuration. We observe that the locally confined electric field at the surface of the metal significantly affects the hot-carrier distribution and electron temperature, which results in a slowing of the hot electrons’ relaxation time, regardless of the average value of the absorbed power in the Au thin film. This result could be extended to other plasmonic nanostructures, enabling the control of hot-carrier lifetimes throughout the optical frequency range.

S. Memarzadeh, J. Kim, Y. Aytac, T. E. Murphy and J. N. Munday, "Surface plasmon assisted control of hot-electron relaxation time", Optica 7(6) 608-612 (2020)
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