This is a position funded by DARPA in support of the Quantum Augmented Network (QuANET) program, which is seeking to develop quantum-augmented network interface cards (NICs) that support coexisting quantum signals to perform specific security functions. The selected postdoctoral researcher will work at the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences (LTS), which is involved as both integration team and for test and evaluation. LTS is a node on the DC-QNet, a regional metro-scale quantum network testbed. The selected candidate will work on a team, in collaboration with partnering laboratories including Army Research Lab, Naval Research Lab, Naval Observatory, NIST, and NASA, to explore, test and evaluate quantum networking technologies. We work very closely with the other labs, and the position will require organizational skills to track collaborations and coordinate data taking and analysis.

The experimental research could involve characterization of noise sources and transmission impairments, including Raman scattering in fiber, polarization dispersion, and timing fluctuations. We are also working towards entanglement swapping between network nodes, with short-term experiments including distributed g(2) measurements, proof of principle quantum information sharing protocols, Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference between distinct optical sources, and methods to compensate for timing drift and jitter across the network.

The research is academic and the selected individual will be encouraged and expected to publish in the open literature. We will also be producing reports for DARPA for the test and evaluation work, and will work closely with partners at NIST Boulder to develop a suite of experiments to evaluate the qNIC performance that could ultimately inform future standards.

Candidates should have a PhD degree in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, or related field, and have prior experimental experience in quantum measurements, fiber optic communication, or optoelectronics. We seek candidates with excellent communication and organizational skills, who can work closely with a multidisciplinary team from several partner laboratories.

Interested and qualified applicants should email a current CV to Thomas E. Murphy (, with subject line: Postdoctoral Opportunity (Quantum Networks). This position is available immediately, and will remain open until filled. For best consideration, please apply before 9/30/2024