Published/Posted: May 5, 2024
Authors: Dacha, Sai Kanth; Essiambre, René-Jean; Ashikhmin, Alexei; Blanco-Redondo, Andrea; Zhang, Yuanhang; Guo, Cheng; Kschischang, Frank R.; Banaszek, Konrad; Ryf, Roland; Weiner, Matthew; Fontaine, Nicolas; Murphy, Thomas E.; Burrows, Ellsworth
DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2024.SW3N.5
Abstract: We demonstrate a record 14 bits-per-incident-photon Photon Information Efficiency (PIE) detection using a new transmitter design that produces an average extinction ratio of 89 dB and operates at four times higher rates than previous high-PIE demonstrations.Citation:
S. K. Dacha, R.-J. Essiambre, A. Ashikhmin, A. Blanco-Redondo, Y. Zhang, C. Guo, F. R. Kschischang,
K. Banaszek, R. Ryf, M. Weiner, N. Fontaine, T. E. Murphy and E. Burrows, "14 Bits per Photon Detection in the Photon Starved Regime for Deep-Space Optical Communication", Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO) Charlotte, NC (USA) SW3N.5 (2024)